• Red Sunset | painting by Eva Nordal | oil on cotton, realistic art

    Red Sunset

    Eva Nordal

    2016, Painting

  • Forellenschwarm (aus 10) | Künstler Marek Schovanek | Fisch Plastiken aus Holz, Beispielansicht der Befestigung der Installation an der Wand

    Wandinstallation Forellenschwarm (aus 10)

    Marek Schovánek

    2014, Wall Object

  • The party animal | painting by Eva Nordal | oil and textile on cotton, realistic art

    The party animal

    Eva Nordal

    2014, Painting


  • Thread Puller - Bronze Plastic, Sculpture by Tim David Trillsam, Edition


    Tim David Trillsam

    2020, Sculpture
