• Daisy shows her rings | painting by Eva Nordal | oil on canvas, realistic art

    Daisy shows her rings

    Eva Nordal

    2014, Painting

  • Nadel im Schnee | Malerei von Lali Torma | Acryl auf Leinwand, abstrakt

    Needle in the Snow

    Lali Torma

    2015, Painting


  • 4 in Murmansk | painting by Eva Nordal | oil on canvas, realistic art

    4 in Murmansk

    Eva Nordal

    2014, Painting

  • The moment | painting by Eva Nordal | oil on canvas, realistic art

    The moment

    Eva Nordal

    2014, Painting


  • Tree in the snow | Painting by Simone Westphal | pulp painting, impressionist

    Tree in the snow

    Simone Westphal

    2014, Painting
