• Red Sunset | painting by Eva Nordal | oil on cotton, realistic art

    Red Sunset

    Eva Nordal

    2016, Painting

  • Loop Point | painting by Jakob Tory Bardou, innerfields | acrylic, spray paint on canvas, urban art

    Loop Point (by Jakob Tory Bardou)


    2016, Painting


  • High air | detail, painting by Eva Nordal | oil on cotton, realistic art

    High air

    Eva Nordal

    2014, Painting


  • Gone with the Wind | painting by Eva Nordal | oil and textile on canvas, realistic art

    Gone with the Wind

    Eva Nordal

    2016, Painting


  • Freudensprung | Malerei von Künstlerin Simone Westphal, Acryl auf Leinwand

    Jumping for joy

    Simone Westphal

    2015, Painting


  • Drei Freundinnen | Malerei von Eva Nordal | Öl auf Baumwolle, realistisch

    Die Sixtinische Rolltreppe

    Eva Nordal

    2015, Painting
